
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Honoring Our Veterans

Chief Spoor addresses South Bend students at the Veteran's Day assembly

This time of the year tends to produce many thoughts of thanks, and each November 11 we honor and thank our United States veterans.  Without the service and sacrifices made by our veterans and current duty service members, our freedom and country would not exist as we know it.

South Bend Schools honors our veterans each year through special student assemblies, and this year was no exception.  Both Chauncey Davis Elementary and SB Junior Senior High School held assemblies recognizing local veterans, some of which work for the school district.

This year's special speaker at the Jr. Sr. High assembly was Chuck Spoor, who served as a paratrooper in the US Army as a member of the 82nd Airborne Division.  Serving from 1988 to 1992 Mr. Spoor saw action in Panama and the Persian Gulf in Desert Storm.

"These men and women are my heroes," said Spoor as he spoke of the veterans in attendance.  "They led the way for us younger guys and provided us a great example," he continued.  Mr. Spoor, who is the chairman of the South Bend School District Board of Directors and Chief of the Raymond Police Department, told students of his service and encouraged them to remember the sacrifices our veterans have made for our country.

Mrs. Tanaka speaks to SB elementary students

At the elementary, our newest kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Lenora Tanaka, spoke with students about her service in the United States Air Force.

Mrs. Tanaka, who served for six years and is a veteran of Desert Storm, spoke of how the military is important in protecting our country and of the many opportunities it can provide to service members.  She also shared a display of some of her service memorabilia for students to observe.

I think it is important for us to not only remember our veterans, but to teach our students the importance our veterans played in establishing the freedoms we enjoy.  Freedom is not free, and is continually purchased through our service members' sacrifice.  It is important for students to understand our freedom has been continuously challenged throughout our nation's history, and that our country's men and women have always stepped up to meet those challenges.

As students enjoy a day off from school this November 11, take some time to remember our veterans, and thank the ones you know for their
service to our country.

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