
Monday, May 2, 2016

Thankful for Our Employees

This week is Staff Appreciation Week at South Bend Public Schools.  As we get close to wrapping up yet another year, it is well worth the time to recognize and honor the amazing staff who make a difference in over 600 students throughout our school district.  It is with a lot of pride that I highlight our staff.

South Bend Early Learning

The Early Learning program at South Bend is where it all begins for the majority of our students' education.  With almost 100 students in our program, both full day and part day classes, these ladies do an incredible job readying our birth to 4 year old kiddos.  One day spent in these classrooms will give you a tremendous appreciation for what a preschool education entails, and the staff in our Early Learning program make it look easy.  The Early Learning program provides an important support to our community infants, toddlers, and preschool children, and they achieve this with patience, love, and true professional care.  Our community is fortunate to have such a rich learning environment for our pre-k students.

Chauncey Davis Elementary

The elementary school years provide the basis for so much of what our students will become.  It is during these years when students learn more about themselves and grow many of the skills they will depend on for the rest of their lives.  Students at Chauncey Davis are fortunate to have a caring, nurturing staff who work tirelessly to ensure all aspects of a positive learning environment is created and maintained.  From the principal's office to the classrooms, from the kitchen to the hallways and playgrounds, kids are the number one priority for these staff members.  It is reassuring to see this team of educators work so hard, and they all make a difference in the lives of students each and every day.

SB Jr. Sr. High

As students enter the junior/senior high years, they need the caring support and example of teachers, paraprofessionals, office staff, principals, coaches, and all other adults in their lives.  South Bend students are not lacking when it comes to having the support and guidance of quality role models in their school staff members.  I am frequently amazed at how smooth a typical day at South Bend High School goes, how friendly the students interact with each other, and how so many positive relationships exist between staff and students.  The group of professionals working with our students at SB Jr. Sr. High School do an amazing job.


Our bus drivers are the first ones to see our students in the morning and the last to say goodbye in the late afternoon when we bring students home.  SB transportation does an incredible job safely bringing our students to and from school, driving students on field trips, and taking our teams to daily extracurricular activities.  Always with a smile, these staff members work hard to ensure our kids are taken care of while traveling on our school busses.  I couldn't ask for a better group of drivers to ensure our students' safety day after day.

Other Vital Staff

South Bend School District relies on over 100 employees and volunteers each day to educate our community's students.  None of this would be possible without the daily support from our food service staff, maintenance department, computer IT staff, and district office staff.  These people work behind the scenes (and often all hours)  to ensure school operations run smooth, safe, and efficient.  I am thankful to have such competent and caring employees in these vital areas.

Making the Difference for Kids

I hope this short article gives a good idea of the quality of staff we have serving students at South Bend Public Schools.  A common expression is that South Bend is a great place for kids.  The school staff in South Bend make this expression a reality and do so each and every day.  To the staff of our school district, I would like to say thank you for all you do.  As a parent and as your co-worker, I believe our school is fortunate to have each and every one of you working on behalf of students.

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