
Friday, July 23, 2021

Board of Directors statement on school team name


July 23, 2021

    During the recent Washington State Legislative Session, the legislature passed SHB 1356, which prohibits the “inappropriate use of Native American names, symbols, or images as public school mascots, logos, or team names.”

In compliance with this law, South Bend School District formed a committee of community members, school staff, and students to propose possible team names that would replace “Indians”.  The committee completed this task late Spring, and put forth a process for students and the overall community to vote and provide input on a new school team name.  

The results of this process were provided to the school district board of directors at our regular July meeting, and consisted of 189 Jr. Sr. High students/staff votes, 88 elementary students/staff votes, and 77 South Bend community member votes.  The combined votes did not produce a clear favorite among either group.

The board takes the SHB 1356 requirement seriously, and at the same time understands and hears a strong sentiment from the community that does not desire a new team name be selected at this time.  Numerous community members have provided input to the contrary, and the fact that only 77 votes were returned (out of over 1400 ballots distributed) shows a current underwhelming enthusiasm among the people of our community.  

The board acknowledges and respects its responsibility to represent the community and to make decisions based on both legal requirements and the majority will of the people, with the overall goal of providing for the best interests of students.  Though we are not allowed to keep “Indians” as our team name, and, based on the feedback we have received on this issue, and the apparent lack of an overall mandate from our students and community, we do not believe we have a clear direction at this time in selecting a replacement.  

With all this considered, the board has decided our school teams will be known as, “South Bend”, and will remain such until the board authorizes a new team name.  The details of this decision can be found in Board Resolution 09-2121 as provided below.


Chuck Spoor, Chairman Todd Strozyk, Vice Chairman David Eastham, member

Wendy Manlow, member Andy Seaman, member Jon Tienhaara, Superintendent

School Athletic Team Name


A Resolution of the Board of Directors setting the athletic team name of South Bend Jr. Sr. High School.

WHEREAS, the South Bend School District No. 118 (District) is a public school district in the State of Washington; and

WHEREAS, the team name for athletic teams at South Bend Jr. Sr. High School is, “Indians”; and,

WHEREAS, Substitute House Bill 1356, as passed by the 67th Washington State Legislature, and signed into law by Governor Jay Inslee, prohibits the District to use “Indians” as an athletic team name; and,

WHEREAS, no Federally recognized Indian Tribe has agreed to authorize the District to continue use of the athletic team name “Indians” as authorized in SHB 1356; and,

WHEREAS, SHB 1356 requires Washington public schools and the District to discontinue the use of “Indians” as an athletic team name before January 1, 2022;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors (Board) of South Bend School District No. 118 directs that “Indians” not be used as the team name for any District athletic team, club, or group, unless authorized as described in SHB 1356; and,

THEREFORE, BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that District athletic teams, clubs, or groups, will use “South Bend” as their name, other than team names as established by the athletic combines with Raymond High School, until a new team name is authorized by the Board; and,

THEREFORE, BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that this directive is implemented prior to the beginning of the 2021-22 school year.

Dated this 22nd day of July, 2021, at the regular meeting of the Board of Directors, South Bend School District No. 118.